How to Create a Development Environment for Training

How to Create a Development Environment for Training

The world is full of software developers that develop various software. A dev environment for training for trainees and professionals plays a great role when delivering software with no issues or bugs. There is a specialized process with the necessary steps to create a development environment for training. A developer environment is essential because it helps all the software development industry trainees hone their skills while learning more about it.

create a development environment for training

In a training environment for software development, every trainee will get the chance to access various tools and necessary resources to work on projects to practice experience. With all these resources, trainees can sharpen their developing capabilities while expanding their capacity. Since these training environments are beneficial, learning to create a development environment for training must only do good for you. 

Therefore, here we are giving you a guide full of steps that you need to know to create a development environment for training. With what we have provided here for you, it will be easy to understand how to create a development environment for training and how advanced the process is. Following these steps will make creating a developer environment for training easy. 

Set Training Objectives

When you create a development environment for training, the first step you should follow is setting training objectives. Do you know how to make an ideal life worksheet? Like this, you should set training objectives. When it is said to set training objectives, you should recognize the skills trainees need to learn and practice. Once you identify those skills the trainees should practice, you can create the necessary developer environment for training. 

Set Training Objectives

Each trainee has a level of skills and depending on the level of their skills, the training objectives will be different, and the dev environment also will be different. If the trainee developers have a basic skill level, you can try improving them to advanced skills; like this, the training environment will be different from the skill level of trainees. 

When you identify the goals and objectives you need to achieve through training, you can choose the development tools and software suitable for your training. With their help, the trainees can hone their skills. 

Choose a Proper Operating System

Choosing a proper operating system is the next step you should take when you create a development environment for training. The software and tools needed for the dev environment will change with your chosen operating system. Therefore, you should choose the operating system with which your training objectives and the available software and tools are compatible. 

Choose a Proper Operating System

There are various operating systems, and when you choose one, you should ensure that it will perfectly align with what you want to achieve through these training environments. Each operating system will be very comfortable for special tasks to perform, therefore, identify them and select a proper operating system to achieve the goals you have recognized, as we said earlier. 

Install Required Development Tools and Software

We have discussed two steps you need to learn to create a development environment for training. And for the third step, you should install the required development tools and software. When using various tools and software, you need to ensure that they are compatible with your chosen operating system. 

Install Required Development Tools and Software

You need various tools and software when you create a development environment for training, such as programming languages, frameworks, libraries and many more. As we said earlier, the choices you make for resource tools and software must be comfortable with the training goals that you need to achieve and the operating system you select. 

Set up a Code Editor

As with every other thing mentioned above, a code editor is also another essential thing that must be set up within the developer environment you create for your trainees. With the code editor, the trainees can hone their skills in writing and editing codes. These code editors come with features such as highlighting syntax, code completion, error checking, etc. These code editors will make the coding somewhat easier. 

Set up a Code Editor

There are many code editors that you can choose for your developer environment, and choosing the most comfortable and the best one will be great. Some factors you need to consider when choosing a code editor are availability, how it functions and features, ease of using it and the supported programming languages. Considering all these factors, you should choose a good code editor for the dev environment you create for your trainees to improve themselves. 

Select a Version Control System

Select a Version Control System

Selecting a version control system is one of the steps to follow when creating a dev environment for trainees. Version control systems allow the trainees to track changes to their codes easily while collaborating with others when working on a project. There are many version control systems that you can choose from, such as SVN, Git, Helix Core, ClearCase etc. 

Choose a Project Management Tool

A project management tool is good for all the trainees to make their tasks efficient and organized. With the help of a project management tool, you can manage the projects and their tasks efficiently without neglecting even one. Not only manage project tasks, but you can also track project progress. 

Choose a Project Management Tool

Even though there are many project management tools available, you need to consider the ease of using them, their availability and their level of collaboration with other tools when choosing a project management tool. 

Create a Virtual Environment

Lastly, creating a virtual environment is crucial for a developer environment for training. When a virtual environment is created, the trainees can work on projects in a controlled environment without affecting the other systems. 

In the virtual environment, the trainees can obtain all the necessary tools, software, and every other resource needed to complete a project. Many tools are available for you to use to create a virtual environment. 


As we said earlier, the first step you should take when you create a development environment for training is recognizing the training objectives you should acquire through these training environments. You can continue creating the developer environment when you successfully identify the skills that your trainees should practice. Remember, the rest of the process of creating a dev environment will depend on the training objectives you have identified to achieve through the dev training environment. No more waiting its time, keep going.

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