Some days it’s just not your day. Whether you’re having a bad hair day or something is going on at home, it can be easy to stay down. You seek answers from others when things get messed up. But when those answers come in the form of yelling, it can feel like the whole world has turned against you. Sure, there are times when your spouse is being unreasonable and blames you for nothing, and then you always look for the reason thinking why my wife yells at me?
But when she yells all the time, nothing seems to help, and you start to wonder why my wife yells at me and what’s wrong with her. Instead of feeling supported or loved for who you are, it can feel like your spouse doesn’t even know you as a person and only sees what others expect from you. This sends many husbands running for the hills, searching for answers and support from family members who live with their wives.
Stop Yelling and Start Loving
When you’re in an argument, yelling and calling your wife names can be the only way to communicate. It can feel like you are alone, and you are the only one who knows your mind. You may be correct, but when you yell and push her away, you’re also pushing yourself away from what you could be feeling.
Even if so, you should not scream back at her. Instead, please take a moment to stop and think about your feelings instead of thinking about why my wife yells at me. Don’t hold back if you have weird thoughts or want some space to discuss things. But if not, that’s okay too. Remember, people often need to hear what they’re feeling more than what they think.
Be There When She needs Support
You may be thinking about why my wife yells at me when she’s home alone if I’m always there for her. The answer is that sometimes a wife needs to hear angry words and know she’s loved. Maybe she is seeking to hear a phrase that you’re disappointed in her or that you’re upset with something at work.
Maybe she wants to make sure that you love her no matter the stuff she does. Whatever the reason, there may come a time when your wife needs to hear you tell her how you feel but also requires you to tell her that you love her.
Instead of being there when she’s upset, your wife may look to you for support. When she needs help, let her know that she can lean on you without feeling guilty about needing it.
Tell Her How You Feel Without Yelling Back
Your wife may be yelling because she feels frustrated or unloved, but she also may be yelling because she feels like you don’t understand her. Maybe she’s frustrated about something at work and doesn’t feel like you get it. Perhaps she misses a chore or an obligation at home.
Maybe she’s just been pushed to her limits. Whatever the reason, yelling can be an intense way to reach out to her husband. But when she yells and you respond with the exact words, nothing changes.
Instead, try to see things from your wife’s perspective. Whether you have the urge to yell back or not, try to imagine what your wife is thinking, what she needs to tell you, or what is going on with her.
Communication Is Essential
When your wife yells at you, you may be hoping that she’ll yell back, and the thing you do frequently is why my wife yells at me. But when she does, it may feel like she’s not listening to what you’re trying to tell her. Instead, try to communicate your hope for change without yelling back.
Try to remember what she’s trying to tell you. Remember, the words may have come out wrong, so try to see things from your wife’s perspective instead of fighting with your thoughts and analyzing why my wife yells at me. When you’re with her, and she screams, and you don’t have an immediate response, try to remember to pause and think before you speak.
Your wife may yell at you because she expects you to be the man you are, but she wants you to be the man she wants you to be. It may feel like you’re two different people who can’t get along, but you can work toward a better relationship. Despite thinking about why my wife yells at me, yelling isn’t the end of the world. Therefore, please try to show that you love her through your actions and words without being rude to her.
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